Nanaboozhoo and the Ants
Local story-teller and artist James Darin Corbiere teams up with composer Jose Delgado-Guevara and the Prince George Symphony Orchestra to present a brand-new show for the whole family.
April 13, 2025
Body Parts & Baby
Tara Cheyanne: ‘Body Parts’
Body Parts is a solo performance by veteran artist Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg in which she tries to perform her show but gets comically side-tracked by her own body issues and the absurdity of performing them. Something has gone terribly wrong! Part stand-up comedy, part Greek tragedy, part performance art, part contemporary dance, this solo is the result of the ever-changing nature of creating art during a pandemic and our inability to talk about our bodies. Created from interviews, symposiums and round-tables with people of diverse ages, backgrounds and perspectives who identify as female, non-binary or on the femme-spectrum, the movement has been mined from our unique struggles with body image, and the comic/tragic relentlessness of "cultural" pressure. Body Parts was adapted into a film in 2021 that toured digitally from February-May 2021.
Calder White ‘Baby’
BABY is a contemporary dance theatre piece that integrates puppetry, prop, and costume to distort the audience's perception of the number of 'real' bodies on stage. The characters we encounter in the piece exist at the intersection of intimacy, anonymity, and horror, multiplying and projecting themselves onto other parts of their own bodies, onto the bodies of other performers, and outwards into space in the pursuit of connection.
May 10, 2025